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Bernhard Hartl: "Oracle Maestro works great - thank you for that really good product and the very good User Interface".
Laurits Sogaard Nielsen: "Oracle Maestro (and also MS SQL Maestro) are the perfect substitutes for TOAD and in some ways also much better products (they are much cheaper, and the support is fast and easy). I'm looking forward to getting much more experience with both products, that already now have proven themselves to be fantastic".


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Upgrade policy

Users who purchased Oracle Maestro less than one year ago without the "3 year upgrades" option, or less than 3 years ago with this option, can upgrade to the new version for free of charge: just download and install the latest distribution package.

If you are a registered user of our software but you purchased Oracle Maestro more than one year ago without the "3 year upgrades" option or more than 3 years ago with this option, your registration code will not work with the new version. In this case you can prolong the upgrades for the next 12/36 months using the appropriate link in the table below.

License Price Purchase URL
Single business license
Single business license + 3 year upgrades
Single non-commercial license
Single non-commercial license + 3 year upgrades
Site business license
Site business license + 3 year upgrades
Site non-commercial license
Site non-commercial license + 3 year upgrades