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Patrick Biegel: "Thanks a lot for your fast reply and the great solution! It works now and that's really important! The PHP Generator for MySQL is a great software".
Gabriela Arsene: "MySQL PHP Generator is really excellent! A very useful, easy to use tool and above all it is free, saving a lot of time and money to a developer! Great job! Congratulations to all the people who work at this project".


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Demo applications developed by our team to illustrate most of the features provided by PHP Generator for MySQL.

Feature Showcase Demo Updated!

Our demo application that covers about 90% of features provided by the software. Highly recommended for investigation.

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NBA Demo Database Updated!

Another our demo application that allows you to feel the power of PHP Generator on example of working with a sample NBA database. It shows such features as data display partitioning, custom templates, administration panel, RSS feed, and so on.

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Security Demo Updated!

This demo illustrates security-related features such as application and page level permissions, PUBLIC and guest privileges, record-level security, administration panel, etc.

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MySQL Schema Browser Updated!

One more demo application from our team that allows you to investigate the structure of your MySQL database i.e. browse tables, views, procedures, indexes, etc. It illustrates such PHP Generator features as custom queries, user-defined templates, event-driven content management, using third-party libraries, and so on.

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