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SQL Anywhere

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George Westrup: "I have saved so much time using your products. Also you are quick to respond to every question I have had. Thanks for the great support".
Grey: "We're a two-person company, it's just me an my wife. I'm the technical guru, and she handles the business operations. I have to know a lot about MySQL, but that's much too technical for her. I have frequently had to setup CGI scripts (I code in Perl) so she can manage some of our tables (suppliers, manufacturers, etc).

I discovered PHP Generator a couple of days ago, tried the free version,and within a few hours I had purchased the Pro version (as well as SQL Maestro for MySQL).

Today I am completing the conversion of the last of my custom table managers to PHP Generator. This is eliminating several thousand lines of code that I don't have to support any more!

Thanks for this fantastic product".


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Feature matrix

The comparison table below shows the difference between Professional and Lite editions of PHP Generator for MySQL. Click a link in the left column to learn more about the corresponding feature.

Database connection Lite Edition Professional Edition
Direct connection + +
SSH tunneling - +
HTTP tunneling - +
Supported data sources Lite Edition Professional Edition
Tables and views + +
Read-only SQL queries + +
Updatable SQL queries - +
Data Grid Lite Edition Professional Edition
- +
Grid View mode + +
Card View mode + +
Auto hiding grid columns + +
Custom display formats + +
Hyperlinks + +
Image Galleries + +
Smart thumbnailsNew! + +
Multi-Row Column Headers - +
Fixed Column Header - +
Custom Drawing - +
Totals - +
Data Input Forms Lite Edition Professional Edition
Responsive View/Edit/Insert forms + +
Inline editing - +
Editing in a modal dialog - +
Quick edit - +
Adding multiple records - +
Editing multiple recordsNew! - +
On-the-fly adding new items to lookup controls - +
Custom form layouts - +
Common editors - +
Cascading ComboboxNew! - +
Dynamic Combobox - +
Dynamic Cascading Combobox - +
Autocomplete editorNew! - +
Dependent Lookups - +
HTML Wysiwyg editor - +
Client-side data validation - +
Advanced features Lite Edition Professional Edition
Master-detail views - +
Linked imagesNew! - +
Uploading multiple files and imagesNew! - +
Calculated columnsNew! - +
Record comparison - +
Custom pagination (Display partitioning) - +
Data export to PDF, XML, CVS, Excel and Word - +
Data Printing - +
Embedded video - +
Charts - +
Handling many-to-many relationships - +
Developer API - +
Support for RSS feeds - +
Data filtering and sorting Lite Edition Professional Edition
Simple filtering + +
Extended filtering - +
Column filtering - +
Custom filtering - +
Preliminary filtering - +
Default sort order + +
Sorting by a single column + +
Sorting by multiple columns - +
Security features Lite Edition Professional Edition
Hard-coded user authentication + +
Table-based user authentication - +
Database server user authentication - +
User-defined authentication - +
Self-registration of users - +
Administration Panel - +
Record-level security - +
Custom permissions at page and record level - +
Custom password encryption - +
Additional customization options Lite Edition Professional Edition
Built-in color schemes + +
Custom color schemes + +
User-defined styles - +
Custom JavaScript - +
Customized templates - +
User-defined events - +
Multi-language support + +
Website Navigation Lite Edition Professional Edition
Sidebar menu - +
Top-side menu - +
- +
Application home page - +
Home page for group - +
Download and Purchase Lite Edition Professional Edition
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Purchase Free From $149