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Import Data Wizard

Import Data Wizard provides you with a graphical user interface to import data from the most popular files formats into existing database tables. It allows you to adjust data formats, empty target tables, execute custom SQL scripts, etc.


Import Data tool supports:

Microsoft Office Excel 95-2003
Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Microsoft Office Access
Microsoft Office Access 2007
Delimiter-separated values (CSV, DSV, TSV)
Text files
ODBC data sources (any database accessible via an ODBC driver or OLE DB provider, such as SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, Sybase, DB2, PostgreSQL, etc.)


In order to run the wizard you should


open the table in Table Editor;
go on to the Data tab;
select the Import Data item from the Navigation Bar.


To import data,

Set the format of the input data and the source file name;

See also: Export Data Wizard



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