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Terry Prank: "At first, I was skeptical as is anyone encountering a new product on the web. I even tried out a couple of the competitors because I figured SQL Maestro Group sounded too good to be true. I soon learned the hard way, nothing I have seen on the market right now compares. Let the results speak. Within the first several hours of operation, I understood that the products are beyond comparison".
Andrew Rassel: "I just wanted to let you know how satisfied I am with your administrative tools. I have been consistently receiving your support. I think you have wonderful products and I am highly satisfied with the results that I am getting".


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MaxDB Tools Family

The MaxDB Tools family was specially designed as software for MaxDB databases administration. In combination they enable you to create and edit database objects, run SQL scripts, manage users, groups, roles and their privileges, extract, print and search metadata, export/import data and more. It also includes a visual query builder to give you assistance in designing of complex queries.

Feel pleasure in several-click management of the heavy-duty MaxDB server realized in splendid interface of the offered by MaxDB Tools Family products.