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SQL Maestro Group / Products / SQLite / News / SQLite Maestro 10.5 released

SQLite Maestro 10.5 released

May 27, 2010

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SQLite Maestro

SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of SQLite Maestro 10.5, a powerful Windows GUI solution for SQLite server administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

  • This release has been successfully tested with all the latest SQLite versions as well as with 64-bit operating systems including Windows 7 x64. The latest available library (3.6.23) is now included into the installation package.
  • Support for native foreign keys has been added (SQLite 3.6.19 and higher). To enable/disable this feature, use the corresponding option within the Create Database Profiles or Edit Database Profile window. This option also affects the automatic creation of referential integrity triggers: they are NOT created if it is turned ON and vice versa.

    The Use native foreign key optionPicture 1. Database Profile Editor

  • Table Editor: a possibility of importing data from Clipboard has been implemented. It is supposed that columns within the data block are separated by the tabulation symbol, records are separated by newlines and the first line of the data block contains column headers.

    Listing 1. Data packet example
    ColHeader1  ColHeader2
    R1C1        R1C2
    R2C1        R2C2

    The same data format is supported by a lot of other applications, so it is easy to use this feature to quickly copy data from MS Excel, another SQLite table or view, or even from a data set from a different DBMS especially if it is opened with an appropriate our product.

  • The Update Existing Records option has been added to the Data Import wizard. If this option is turned ON, the records will be either updated or inserted.

    Updating existing recordsPicture 2. Data Import: updating existing records

  • Data Analysis tool features the following things:
    • Starting with this version it is possible to use a wide spectrum of aggregate functions such as maximum, minimum, average value, etc. for subtotals (the only available function for the previous versions was sum of values).
    • A possibility of sorting data by summary columns has been added. This means, for example, the product you'll see first is not the one which starts with an A or Z, but rather the one that has the most or least sales.
    • You can also specify the number of top rows that are displayed to view, for example, only a specific number of best-selling or worst-selling products for each year, month, customer, etc. This will help you to concentrate on only the most important information and avoid being overload with a lot of superfluous data.
  • The Script Runner window can now be invoked directly from the Tools menu. Also the productivity of this tool has been significantly improved.

    Script RunnerPicture 3. Script Runner

  • Data Grid: the Clone current record command has been added to the popup menu. Use it to add a new record which is substantially similar to an existing one.
  • BLOB editor: starting with this version it is possible to select a BLOB column to edit directly within the editor window.

    Switching between BLOB columns in BLOB editorPicture 4. BLOB Editor: Switching between BLOB columns

  • The Case Insensitive option has been added to data grid filter settings (ON by default).
  • Starting with this version SQLite Maestro allows you to store your databases in the folders containing locale characters and/or use such characters in the database file names.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

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