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SQL Maestro Group / Products / SQLite / News / PHP Generators are updated to version 10.8

PHP Generators are updated to version 10.8

Aug 24, 2010

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of PHP Generator 10.8, a GUI frontend that allows you to generate high-quality PHP scripts for the selected tables, views and queries for the further working with these objects through the web. There are versions for MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, DB2, SQL Anywhere and MaxDB.

Key enhancements:

  • Inline Insert and Inline Edit features have been implemented. Use them to insert/edit a record without having to open a new page.

    Inline EditPicture 1. Inline edit

  • Support for RSS feeds to publish frequently updated works (such as blog entries, news headlines, etc) in a standardized format has been implemented. All the required fields can be customized within the Page Properties dialog.
  • The Advanced Search form can now be displayed on a separate page. Moreover, this form now can substitute by itself the list page, so it becomes possible to display page data only after entering values to search.

    The Advanced Search formPicture 2. The Advanced Search form

  • Support for using some environment variables (such as CURRENT_USER_ID, CURRENT_USER_NAME, UNIQUE_ID) in events and templates has been implemented. The variables also can be used for specifying a column default value.

    The following example demonstrates how to use variables within the OnBeforeInsertRecord event.

    Listing 1.
    $rowData['ip_address'] = $this->GetEnvVar('REMOTE_ADDR');
    $userName = $this->GetEnvVar('CURRENT_USER_NAME');
    if ($userName != 'admin')
        $rowData['changed_by'] = $userName;
    To obtain a complete list of supported variables, uncomment the define('SHOW_VARIABLES', 1); line in the generated settings.php file.
  • Page-level permissions have been implemented. Such permissions allow you to customize access to individual pages in the generated app. To setup record-level permissions, use the "Customize user permissions..." button in the Permission Manager dialog.

Event handling extensions:

  • Now it is possible to change values posted to the database with OnBeforeInserRecord/OnBeforeUpdateRecord events.
  • OnInsertFormValidate/OnEditFormValidate client-side events have been implemented. Use these events to write a custom JavaScript code for checking values entered by the user.
    Listing 2.
    if (fieldValues['percents'] < 0 || fieldValues['percents'] > 100)
        errorInfo.SetMessage('Percent value should be between 0 and 100'); 
        return false;
  • Two other client side events have been added. These are OnBeforePageLoad and OnAfterPageLoad. The first event occurs before page loading and allows you to declare functions and global variables while the second one fires after the page has been fully rendered.

Frontend improvements:

  • Page Editor: the Reset column command has been added to the General tab's popup menu.
  • An easy access to recently used projects has been implemented.

    Recent projectsPicture 3. Recent projects

  • Image combo box is now used for selecting a lookup source. Using different images for tables, views, and queries helps you to easily select the required object.
  • The Send report menu item will allow you to send us a detailed bug report in a single click. We hope this command will not be used so often.

Other new features:

  • The UI for column reordering has been improved: now it is possible to reorder columns for all the presentations at once.
  • Now it is possible to setup width for each column as well as the whole grid width.
  • An ability of changing the number of records displayed at a page during application runtime has been implemented.

    Changing the number of records per pagePicture 4. Changing the number of records per page

  • Page list, Print, and Export blocks become collapsible.
  • Starting with this version it is possible to exclude a page from the left menu as well as reorder pages in the page list.
  • Now it is possible to print a single record in the view form.
  • Most-frequently used values can now be specified for a combo box editor. Such values are always displayed at the top of the list.

    Web page generated with specified most-frequently used valuesPicture 5. Web page generated with specified most-frequently used values

  • Advanced Search: the "is blank" and "is not blank" conditions have been added to the search criteria.
  • Values in lookup combo boxes are now sorted.
  • The PHPass algorithm can now be used for the password encryption.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made. For more information about a specific tool see the appropriate page:

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