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Johnattan Badden, Manager: "The software is easy to work with and most importantly, report management is extremely easy, even for a novice like me! I am able to create and edit my databases with a few clicks and easily maintain them afterwards. I highly recommend SQLite Maestro to educational institutions: it's easy and flexible, it is exactly what can be good for using in schools and colleges".
Svetlio Mitev: "I am really sure that you guys can make the best PHP code generators to be found worldwide".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / SQLite / News / A new article on PHP Generator has been published

A new article on PHP Generator has been published

May 16, 2013

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Charts provide a perfect way to visualize data. You can easily add a chart to a webpage created with PHP Generator using its built-in feature named custom templates and any of available JavaScript chart libraries like freeware Google Chart or commercial tools such as HighChart and FusionCharts.

Want to know how to visualize your data with delightful charts? Read the complete article!

The 'Sales By Country' webpage with enabled Fusion 3D Pie Chart.Picture 1. The 'Sales By Country' webpage with enabled Fusion 3D Pie Chart.

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