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Mark Worsnop: "By the way I wanted to say thank you for a good software package. It's a pleasure to work with Maestro as it "just works" and makes my job that much easier".
Jacob Lyohne, Director of Development: "Regarding implementation, it is pretty self-explanatory and the SQLite Maestro manual is helpful for review and reference. We also found the on-line documentation useful and the software support staff readily available to answer our questions. Reports are very easy and quick to run and can be broken down into any number of statistical combinations".


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SQLite Maestro: Product Tour

Features of SQLite Maestro:

Database Management

Create Database Wizard guides you through the process of creating a new database.

To run the wizard select the Database | Create New Database... main menu item or click the Create Database button on the main toolbar.

To start working with SQLite databases in SQLite Maestro you should first create a database profile or several database profiles using Create Database Profiles Wizard.

To run the wizard select the Database | Create Database Profiles... main menu item or use the Shift+Ctrl+P hot key combination. You can also click the Create Database Profiles button on the main toolbar.

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