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Mario Figueiredo: "I can safely forget all I know about SQL when using SQLite Maestro. It is that easy and intuitive to use. It is also nicely drawn with an easy and appealing interface that makes the sometimes boring tasks of database maintenance and administration more endurable.
The decision to support the non-commercial use of your software with a lower price is absolutely worth mentioning. For that alone, I thank you. For everything else, I say keep up the good work".
Johnattan Badden, Manager: "The software is easy to work with and most importantly, report management is extremely easy, even for a novice like me! I am able to create and edit my databases with a few clicks and easily maintain them afterwards. I highly recommend SQLite Maestro to educational institutions: it's easy and flexible, it is exactly what can be good for using in schools and colleges".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / SQLite / SQLite Maestro / News / SQLite Maestro 8.11 released

SQLite Maestro 8.11 released

Nov 12, 2008

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of SQLite Maestro 8.11, a powerful Windows GUI solution for SQLite server administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since last official release:

Server management extensions:
  • Support for transparent database encryption has been implemented. You can use either SQLite Encryption Extension by Hwaci (if you have it) or a free wxSQLite3 library, which is already included into the SQLite Maestro installation package. The libraries are compatible with each other by API calls, but a database encrypted using one library cannot be read by another one.

    You can connect to existing encrypted databases, create new ones as well as change the passwords as shown below.

    Database Explorer
    Changing database password

  • Remote database management has been significantly updated. Now it is possible to connect to remote SQLite 3 databases as well as store the connection script in a password protected directory. Let us remind you how the technology works:

    • Upload the connection PHP script to your website. The scripts are named sqlite_tunnel.php and sqlite3_tunnel.php for SQLite databases versions 2 and 3 accordingly and can be found under the installation folder, usually C:\Program Files\SQL Maestro Group\SQLite Maestro.

    • Test the script in your web-browser (optionally).

    • Enter the script URL in the Create Profiles Wizard, Create Database Wizard, or Edit Database Profile dialog. Of course you should select the "I have to use HTTP tunneling" option in any of these windows.
Interface improvements:
  • Data grid features the following things:

    • Starting with this version it is possible to use the lookup editor for a column, which is linked by a foreign key with a (single) column from another table. The editor displays the contents of parent table’s columns within the dropdown window.

    • A possibility of displaying data in the master-detail form has been incorporated into the Table Editor (multiple detail pages can be displayed for a single master row). Use the Show/Hide details link at the editor’s navigation bar to activate/deactivate this view mode.

    • Filtering, grouping, and sorting features become available for text columns.

  • Data Import Wizard: now it is possible to truncate the table before importing.

  • Get SQL Dump Wizard and Extract Database Wizard have been redesigned to increase the usability.

  • Data Export, Data Import, and Get SQL Dump wizards now store their size and position.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

Related links:

SQLite Maestro home page
Download SQLite Maestro
Get SQLite Maestro Tour
Purchase your license of SQLite Maestro today!
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