Data Syncs are updated to version 12.2
Feb 9, 2012
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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of Data Sync 12.2, a powerful tool for comparing database contents and synchronizing differences. There are versions for MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, DB2, SQL Anywhere and MaxDB.
New features:
- Starting with this version our software allows you to compare and synchronize the data represented by database views.
- An automatic checking of table and column mappings has been implemented. Now Data Sync displays a warning message if you, for example, forgot to specify a comparison key or even mapped two columns with incompatible data types. For your convenience we have also added a button to remove all the pairs with critical errors in a single click.
Picture 1. Automatic checking of table and column mappings
- Now it is possible to setup a filter for the source and target data before the comparison to compare and synchronize only subsets of data.
Picture 2. Setting a filter condition
- An ability of exporting comparison results to any of 18 available formats including Excel, HTML, XML, and CSV has been implemented. Get the complete comparison report in a few mouse clicks!
Picture 3. Export of comparison results
- From now on Data Sync tries to sort the target tables automatically to avoid potential integrity violations. Of course it is also still possible to reorder the targets manually.
Picture 4. Reordering targets manually
- Also it becomes possible to short the list of comparison pairs hiding the identical objects (i.e. tables and views that contain only identical records).
In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made. For more information about a specific tool see the appropriate page:
- Data Sync for MySQL
- MS SQL Data Sync
- PostgreSQL Data Sync
- Oracle Data Sync
- SQLite Data Sync
- Firebird Data Sync
- DB2 Data Sync
- ASA Data Sync
- MaxDB Data Sync

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