ASA Maestro 14.11 released
Nov 24, 2014
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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of ASA Maestro 14.11, a powerful Windows GUI solution for Sybase SQL Anywhere server administration and database development. Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release: |
Server management extensions:
This version of the software has been successfully tested with SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 16 (the latest version available at the moment). We have also implemented support for some SQL Anywhere 16 new features:
Support for the with nulls not distinct clause of indexes has been implemented. This clause can only be specified if you are declaring the index to be unique and allows you to specify that NULLs in index keys are not unique.
Picture 1. Setting index options
If you specify unique index, but do not specify with nulls not distinct, each index key must be unique or contain a NULL in at least one column. For example, two entries ('a', NULL) and ('a', NULL) are each considered unique.
If you specify unique index with nulls not distinct, then the index key must be unique regardless of the NULL values. For example, two entries ('a', NULL) and ('a', NULL) are considered equal, not unique.
Starting from this version it is possible to change the owner of an existing table. The ability to change table ownership is useful when moving a table from one schema to another. In order to alter table ownership, you must be either the table owner or a user with DBA authority.
Picture 2. Changing the ownership of an existing table
- Schemas and users which names start with SYS are not displayed in the Explorer tree unless the Show system objects option is turned ON in the Database Profile Properties dialog.
Picture 3. Editing profile options
Support for the with nulls not distinct clause of indexes has been implemented. This clause can only be specified if you are declaring the index to be unique and allows you to specify that NULLs in index keys are not unique.
An ability of using the LOAD TABLE command has been incorporated into the Import Data wizard. This feature can speed up the import process up to 10 times so it is recommended to use it always if possible.
Picture 4. Data Import option
Nullable Column Checker has been implemented. This feature allows you to refactor your database schema by enforcing omitted NOT NULL constraints. It is useful, for example, if you have got a legacy schema with a lot of columns allowing NULL values and plenty of data. To invoke the wizard, use the appropriate link in the Generate SQL section of the table popup menu at the Explorer tree.
Picture 5. Nullable Column Checker
Interface improvements:
Starting with this version the warning appears on creating a table without a primary key.
Picture 6. Warning message
Data Import features:
Starting with this version it's possible to import data from several files at a time. To import data from multiple files with the same structure, set the mask of the file names to the corresponding field. To see the list of matching files, use with the button on the right.
Picture 7. Import data from multiple files
The Column Builder for text files with fixed column width has been redesigned. Now to set the correspondence between table columns and areas of a text file, you can either input offset and width for each column directly into the controls, or define these values by clicking the left mouse button in the right area of the tool.
Picture 8. Column Builder for text files with fixed column width
- Now it's possible to add current timestamp to the log file name using the %ts:TIMESTAMP_FORMAT% string template. Examples of valid datetime formats are: 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI', 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI-SS', and so on.
- Now each time you start the wizard to import data to a table it stores all the options as them were set on the previous session of working with this table.
Starting with this version it's possible to import data from several files at a time. To import data from multiple files with the same structure, set the mask of the file names to the corresponding field. To see the list of matching files, use with the button on the right.
- Data Export: Support for Json file format has been implemented.
Picture 9. Data Export to JSON
- Data Grid: to reset all grid settings to defaults, open the Data tab when holding the Ctrl key.
In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Related links:
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