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Login mappings

Login mapping (integrated and Kerberos logins) is a login feature that allows the same single user ID and password to be used for operating system logins, network logins, and database connections.



New integrated logins are created within Create Login Mapping Wizard. In order to run the wizard you should either


select the Object | Create Database Object... main menu item;
select the Login Mapping icon in the Create Database Object dialog


select the Login Mappings list or any object from that list in the explorer tree;
select the Create New Login Mapping... item from the popup menu


To create a new login mapping with the same properties as one of the existing one has:


select the Object | Duplicate Database Object... main menu item;
follow the instructions of Duplicate Object Wizard.




Integrated logins can be edited within Login Mapping Editor. In order to run the editor you should either


select the login mapping for editing in the explorer tree (type the first letters of the login mapping name for quick search);
select the Edit Login Mapping... item from the popup menu




To drop an integrated logins:


select the login mapping to drop in the explorer tree;
select the Drop Login Mapping item from the popup menu


and confirm dropping in the dialog window.


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