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John Gondek: "Your software is amazing. I consider myself a novice at PHP and JS and with your software I have a web page that is truly fantastic. Thank you so much ".
Olivier Auverlot: "At my work (a universitary computer research laboratory), I'm alone to create all applications and databases. I don't know how I could do all the work without it. It's really a very productive software. I can focus on the database schemas and create quickly the user applications with a minimal amount of code to maintain".


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PostgreSQL PHP Generator news

May 8, 2018
PHP Generator released
A new minor version features selection filters, new selection management commands, generation of thumbnails on uploading multiple images, a couple of long-awaited options and some other useful things.
Mar 21, 2018
PHP Generators 18.3 released
New version features a possibility of uploading multiple files and images, calculated columns, mass editing, linked images, brand new autocomplete editor, cascading comboboxes, enhanced event management, custom SQL statements for views and a lot of other useful things.
Dec 4, 2017
PHP Generator Lite Edition released
You're welcome to enjoy our new free yet powerful and easy-to-use tool for building data-driven web applications without any programming experience.
Oct 23, 2017
PHP Generators 17.10 released
New major version comes with a number of security-related features including self-registration and password recovering, enhanced Unicode support, new and updated controls, significant UI improvements, easy-to-use email API, and a lot of other useful things.
Jun 23, 2017
PHP Generators released
New version comes with optimized column filter, custom password encryption, enhanced event editor, new and updated events, auto-logout after an inactivity time and other new features.
Mar 22, 2017
PHP Generators uploaded
New version allows you to grant custom permissions at page and record level. It also features enhanced Quick Filter tool, a possibility of printing selected records, a number of updated controls and other useful things.
Mar 6, 2017
PHP Generator Security Demo uploaded
This demo illustrates security-related features of PHP Generator such as application and page level permissions, PUBLIC and guest privileges, record-level security, administration panel, etc.
Sep 15, 2016
PHP Generators 16.9 released
New version comes with 30+ new features including column filtering, custom form layouts, enhanced master-detail views, multi-row column headers, record comparison, brand new inline forms, quick edit, breadcrumb navigation, geo charts, index page generation, a number of GUI improvements, and much more.
Aug 1, 2016
PHP Generator Feature Demo uploaded
The demo contains 50+ pages to illustrate most of features provided by the software and help you to create even more powerful websites for your users.
Mar 21, 2016
PHP Generators 16.3 released
New version introduces out-of-the-box charts, enhanced sidebar menus, compact themes, embedded video columns, improved data export tools, new and updated events, custom form titles, and some other features.
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