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Simon Greener: "A lot of work went in to designing our application database. PHP Generator allowed us to build a fully functional, professional looking, and functionally powerful web application from that database. It has freed us from worrying about low level code, enabling us to focus on the business requirements of the customer. The support provided is excellent with staff quickly producing answers to questions ranging from newbie to simple or complex. I highly recommend the product".
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Email-based features

Some security-related features provided by PostgreSQL PHP Generator like self-registration and password recovering are based on sending email messages to users of generated sites. This chapter explains how these features work and what is required from the site developer for their support.


Users table extension

To support email-based features, user table must contain the following columns (besides columns for storing user names, passwords, and IDs that are required to support table-based authentication basically):


Default name

Data type



character varying(255)

Email address of the user


character varying(255)

Internal data for verification and password recovering



Status of the user. Possible values are as follows:

0 - registered user

1 - user awaiting verification

2 - user requested password reset



Enable self-registration

If this option is turned ON, users can register in the generated application.


Enable password recovering

If this option is turned ON, users are allowed to reset their passwords.


Customizing email messages

Email messages to be sent to the user on the registration and password recovering can be customized with the OnGetCustomTemplate event.


Outgoing mail settings

A set of settings to be used to send emails from the generated website. These settings can be also specified in the Project Options dialog. See also Setting up common SMTP servers.




A number of events help you to control user registration and password recovering processes in the most flexible way possible. The following events are currently available:



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