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SQL Maestro Group / Products / PostgreSQL / News / PostgreSQL Maestro 16.6 released

PostgreSQL Maestro 16.6 released

Jun 27, 2016

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PostgreSQL Maestro SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of PostgreSQL Maestro 16.6, a powerful Windows GUI solution for PostgreSQL administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

New feature highlights:

  • This version of the software has been successfully tested with all the modern database server versions up to PostgreSQL 9.6 Beta 2 (the latest PostgreSQL version available at the moment).
  • Support for Row Security Policies has been implemented (PostgreSQL 9.5+). Such policies restrict, on a per-user basis, which rows can be returned by normal queries or inserted, updated, or deleted by data modification commands.
    Create Row Security Policy wizardPicture 1. Create Row Security Policy wizard
  • Support for BRIN Indexes has been added (PostgreSQL 9.5+). Also starting from this version it is possible to create indexes for materialized views.
  • The Generate Updatable View tool becomes available for PostgreSQL 9.2 and lower (for PostgreSQL 9.3 and higher it is available since version 14.5).
    Updatable View GeneratorPicture 2. Updatable View Generator
  • "Allow Connections" and "Is Template" options have been added to Create Database Wizard and Database Editor (PostgreSQL 9.5+).
    Create Database WizardPicture 3. Create Database Wizard
  • The "Show SQL Help" command now displays the manual that corresponds the version of PostgreSQL database server you are connected to. This means it will display this page if you are working with PostgreSQL 9.5, this one if you are working with PostgreSQL 9.4, and so on.
    Show SQL Help commandPicture 4. Show SQL Help command
  • Support for Adobe Reader DC has been added to BLOB Editor. Also the editor window now saves its size and position between times it is opened (for each table).
    BLOB EditorPicture 5. BLOB Editor
  • Default Data Import settings can now be set up in the Program Options dialog.
    Data Import defaultsPicture 6. Data Import defaults

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

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