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Josh Armstrong: "I absolutely love this software! It will me take our migration time down by an order of magnitude. It has especially helped with my indexing as my database contains many complex ones".
Andrew Maclean: "I am really quite impressed with the software. You and your people are doing a wonderful job. I actually have spent a while researching PostgreSQL admin/code generators and yours seems to fit our needs nicely. Your interface is beautiful".


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PostgreSQL Family news

Jun 26, 2007
PostgreSQL Maestro 7.6 released
New version introduces support of UTF-8 data, Process Browser tool and other useful things.
May 29, 2007
New purchase option available
Now you can purchase all our products and bundles with 3 year upgrades included.
May 8, 2007
Code Factory product family started
New products are intended for creating and executing SQL queries and scripts as well as for data management. There are versions for MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird and MaxDB.
Apr 11, 2007
Freeware PHP Generators released
New freeware toolset for producing web applications for MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird and MaxDB database servers.
Mar 19, 2007
PostgreSQL Maestro 7.3 released
With this version you can create complex entity-relationship diagrams (ERD) for your PostgreSQL databases.
Dec 6, 2006
PostgreSQL Maestro 6.12 released
Support of some PostgreSQL 8.2 new features, tabbed user interface, SQL Formatter, Script Executor, OLAP Viewer and a lot of other useful things.
Jul 16, 2006
PostgreSQL Maestro 6.7 released
A possibility to execute several queries simultaneously is added for your convenience. Also support of OUT/INOUT parameters, implemented in PostgreSQL 8.1, and support of foreign key references are added to PostgreSQL Maestro.
Jun 30, 2006
PostgreSQL Data Wizard 6.6 released
A lot of security options for PHP Generator Wizard and handy Task Scheduler were implemented in the new version of PostgreSQL Data Wizard.
Jun 9, 2006
PostgreSQL Maestro 6.6 released
Support of the possibility to disable/enable a trigger implemented in PostgreSQL 8.1 is added in this version. PostgreSQL Maestro possesses now a new Object Browser to simplify database object management.
May 18, 2006
First public release of PostgreSQL Maestro
SQL Maestro Team is happy to present a new product of PostgreSQL Administration Tools Family - PostgreSQL Maestro, a powerful solution for PostgreSQL server administration and development.
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