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Andrew Maclean: "I am really quite impressed with the software. You and your people are doing a wonderful job. I actually have spent a while researching PostgreSQL admin/code generators and yours seems to fit our needs nicely. Your interface is beautiful".
Chris Passion: "I tried 3 different programs before yours and none would be so handy and helpful. PostgreSQL Maestro works great and couldn't be easier to install".


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Upgrade policy

Users who purchased PostgreSQL Maestro less than one year ago without the "3 year upgrades" option, or less than 3 years ago with this option, can upgrade to the new version for free of charge: just download and install the latest distribution package.

If you are a registered user of our software but you purchased PostgreSQL Maestro more than one year ago without the "3 year upgrades" option or more than 3 years ago with this option, your registration code will not work with the new version. In this case you can prolong the upgrades for the next 12/36 months using the appropriate link in the table below.

License Price Purchase URL
Single business license
Single business license + 3 year upgrades
Single non-commercial license
Single non-commercial license + 3 year upgrades
Site business license
Site business license + 3 year upgrades
Site non-commercial license
Site non-commercial license + 3 year upgrades