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Andrew Maclean: "I am really quite impressed with the software. You and your people are doing a wonderful job. I actually have spent a while researching PostgreSQL admin/code generators and yours seems to fit our needs nicely. Your interface is beautiful".
J Canepa: "There is a lot of software out there for managing PostgreSQL. Yours is simply the best! Great product".
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Viewing as hexadecimal dump
The Hexadecimal panel allows you to view data in hexadecimal mode.
 Company news 
Sep 30, 2024
New version comes with PostgreSQL 17 compatibility, upgraded SSH client and some other enhancements.
Sep 30, 2024
All software of our PostgreSQL family come now with PostgreSQL 17 compatibility.
Sep 20, 2023
All software of our PostgreSQL family come now with PostgreSQL 16 compatibility.
This article discloses the ways of role management provided by PostgreSQL Maestro. Learn how to create, edit, grant and carry out other manipulations with roles using our product.
 Feature of the day
Create Composite Type Wizard allows you to create a new PostgreSQL composite type in a few mouse clicks.
All editors of PostgreSQL Maestro enables to divide text into logical parts (regions). Each part can be collapsed and extended.