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Schemas are a purely logical structure and the privilege system determines whether one can access them. A database is a collection of schemas and the schemas contain tables, views, Functions, etc. The full hierarchy is: server, database, schema, table (or some other kind of object, such as a Function). Schemas are being implemented in PostgreSQL Server version 7.3 and higher.



New schemas are created within Create Schema Wizard. In order to run the wizard you should either


select the Object | Create Database Object... main menu item;
select the Schema icon in the Create Database Object dialog


select the Schemas list or any object from that list in the explorer tree;
select the Create New Schema... item from the popup menu


open the database in Database Editor and the Schemas tab there;
press the Insert key or select the Create New Schema item from the popup menu (alternatively, you may use the corresponding link of the Navigation Bar).


To create a new schema with the same properties as one of the existing schemas has:


select the Object | Duplicate Database Object... main menu item;
follow the instructions of Duplicate Object Wizard.




Schemas are edited within Schema Editor. In order to run the editor you should either


select the schema for editing in the explorer tree (type the first letters of the schema name for quick search);
select the Edit Schema... item from the popup menu


open the database in Database Editor and the Schemas tab there;
select the schema to edit;
press the Enter key or select the Edit Schema item from the popup menu (alternatively, you may use the corresponding link of the Navigation Bar).


You can change the name of the schema using the Rename Schema dialog. To open the dialog you should either


select the schema to rename in the explorer tree;
select the Rename Schema item from the popup menu


open the database in Database Editor and the Schemas tab there;
select the schema to rename;
select the Rename Schema item from the popup menu (alternatively, you may use the corresponding link of the Navigation Bar).




To drop a schema:


select the schema to drop in the explorer tree;
select the Drop Schema item from popup menu


open the database in Database Editor and the Schemas tab there;
select the schema to drop;
press the Delete key or select the Drop Schema item from the popup menu (alternatively, you may use the corresponding link of the Navigation Bar)


and confirm dropping in the dialog window.


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