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Josh Armstrong: "I absolutely love this software! It will me take our migration time down by an order of magnitude. It has especially helped with my indexing as my database contains many complex ones".
Paul Gibson: "The strength of SQL Maestro Group's technical skills and support allow us to recommend PostgreSQL Maestro and PostgreSQL Data Wizard to others. Above that, they provide us with amazing value (great service, fair price) in comparison with every other software development teams that I've researched".


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PostgreSQL Data Wizard product tour

Features of PostgreSQL Data Wizard:


Use wizard Templates to make your work with PostgreSQL Data Wizard services more efficient. There is no need to repeat the configuring process: you may just load all the session parameters from a template file instead.

To create a template you need to save all the appropriate wizard session parameters to a file. Click the More button at the last wizard step and select the Save Template item to save the current configuration.

You can load the prepared template by clicking the More button at the first wizard step and selecting the Load Template item. The wizard session parameters will be set automatically with the template. However, you can correct them at any step of the wizard using the More | Options... item.

Once the template is loaded, it can also be found in the More | Load Recent submenu and can be easily accessed any time.

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