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Thank you for the good work".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / Oracle / News / MS SQL Data Wizard 7.7 released

New version of Data Wizard product family released

Aug 22, 2007

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of a new version of Data Wizard product family, a toolset of powerful utilities for managing your data.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in each Data Wizard 7.8 since last official release:

  • ASP.NET Generator, a powerful tool for producing ASP.NET scripts for the selected tables, views and queries for the further working with these objects through the web. Key features:

    • full customization of the HTML pages appearance with some standard HTML templates provided for your convenience;

    • full adjustment of the result script: you can enable/disable record filtering, column ordering, adding/editing/deleting records in the result script and many more;

    • advanced security options allowing you to request user name and password when someone attempts to access your script or to execute some of the specific actions: detailed viewing, adding, editing, or deleting of a table/query row;

    • filtering and sorting abilities of the result scripts;

    • automatic creation of lookup menus for foreign key constraints and custom values;

    • integrated script navigation with customization;

    • ability to create multilingual web apps.

  • New Shell Application with Ribbon toolbars (like Office 2007) and more.

  • PHP Generator: now it is possible to create a lookup menu for a column using a custom value list.

  • Data Pump: now optimized for Microsoft.Jet engine.

  • Data Import: the speed of loading of Excel files was significantly increased.

  • All the wizards: a lot of minor improvements and corrections were made.

For more information about a specific tool see the appropriate page:
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