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Oracle Maestro online help

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Oracle Maestro provides several tools for working with SQL queries:


SQL Editor for editing the query text directly and executing SELECT queries;
Visual Query Builder for building SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries visually;
SQL Script Editor for executing SQL scripts.



Save frequently used queries to profiles and manage them in the same way as if they were database objects. This means that you can view queries in the explorer tree, in Object Manager and Object Browser, use them in BLOB Viewer and Diagram Viewer, perform drag-and-drop operation upon them, and copy them to clipboard like you copy an object.


       How can I create a new SQL query?


New queries can be created either in SQL Editor or in Visual Query Builder.


To create a new query in SQL Editor:


select the Tools | SQL Editor main menu item;
select the Create New Query item from the navigation bar;
edit the query text on the Editor tab of SQL Editor.


To create a new query in Query Builder:


select the Tools | Visual Query Builder main menu item;
build the query on the Diagram tab of Visual Query Builder.


Oracle Maestro also provides you with SQL Generator, a tool to create simple SQL statements.


       How can I save a query to a file/profile?


To save an existing query from the editor:


to save the query to profile, use the Save to profile link from the Navigation bar.
to save the current query to an *.sql file, select the Save to file item from the Navigation bar;
to save all the opened queries to one file, select the Save all queries item from the Navigation bar;
to save the designed diagram, select the Save diagram item from the Navigation bar of the Diagram tab of Visual Query Builder.


       How can I edit an existing SQL query?


Queries can be opened either in SQL Editor or in Visual Query Builder.


You can open the query directly from the Explorer tree with a double click or using popup menu. By default it will be opened in SQL Editor.


To edit a query from file, open SQL Editor (the Tools | SQL Editor main menu item) and use Load From File from the Navigation Bar of SQL Editor to load a query from an *.sql file.



To edit a query in Query Builder, open the builder (the Tools | Visual Query Builder main menu item) and then perform one of the following operations:


to edit a query from a profile, drag it from the Explorer and drop on the Editor tab;


to load a previously saved diagram, use the Load Diagram item from the Navigation Bar;


to load a query from an *.sql file, open the Editor tab and select the Load query item from the Navigation Bar .


On the Query Builder opening the Diagram tab contains the last edited query.


       How can I execute an SQL query?


To execute a query:


create a new query or open the existing one;
select the Execute Query item from the navigation bar of SQL Editor or Visual Query Builder respectively;
view/edit the returned data on the Result tab.

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