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Laurits Sogaard Nielsen: "Oracle Maestro (and also MS SQL Maestro) are the perfect substitutes for TOAD and in some ways also much better products (they are much cheaper, and the support is fast and easy). I'm looking forward to getting much more experience with both products, that already now have proven themselves to be fantastic".
Qian Dong: "Although I evaluated Oracle Maestro for only a couple of days, I must say I like what I saw in this product. I am going to place an order for this product.

Thank you for the good work".


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Connection parameters

Oracle Maestro unites databases in groups at the Explorer tree. Database group is a pure logical structure and can be named by any convenient appellation (i.e. a database name, a database host, etc.).

User name

Use the field to specify the username to be used to connect to Oracle.



Enter the password for the user account on server.


Select the the required level of authorization as Connect mode.


Check Use Operating system authentication to allow Oracle to pass control of user authentication to the operating system. The technology works as follows:

First, create an OS user (if it doesn't exist).
Check a value of the Oracle OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX initialization parameter. Current value of this parameter can be retrieved using the followng query:



WHERE NAME  = 'os_authent_prefix'


The default value is OPS$. The initialization parameter can be modified with the ALTER SYSTEM command.

Create a database user. The user must use the external identification and its name must be the prefix value concatenated to the OS username (on Windows platforms you would expect an Oracle username of "OPS$DOMAIN\MY_USER" for the user "my_user").


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