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Laurits Sogaard Nielsen: "Oracle Maestro (and also MS SQL Maestro) are the perfect substitutes for TOAD and in some ways also much better products (they are much cheaper, and the support is fast and easy). I'm looking forward to getting much more experience with both products, that already now have proven themselves to be fantastic".
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Thank you for the good work".


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Connect to a database

To manage an existing database with Oracle Maestro, you have to create the according database profile first. A profile stores database connection settings, and some additional options to customize the way the software works with the database. After the creation database profiles appear as nodes in the Explorer tree on the left (profile properties can be later changed with Database Profile Editor).


When the profile is created you can connect to the database. To do so, select the database in the Explorer tree, or either select the Database | Connect to Database main menu item or use the Connect to Database item of the popup menu. You can also double click the database node in the explorer tree. If connection succeeds, the database node expands displaying the tree of database objects (tables, views, procedures, etc). The database becomes ready for your activities.


How can I disconnect from a database?


In order to disconnect from a database you should first select the database in the explorer tree, then either


select the Database | Disconnect from Database main menu item


use the Disconnect from Database item of the popup menu.



See also: Connection parameters

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