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Kirby Foster: "Nice software. Small, lightweight, works well. I evaluated lots of software before deciding that your software worked the best for what I do. Both Maestro for MySQL and PHP Generator have saved me lots of time".
Dave Lantz: "I have to say that I simple love this product and its ease of use. I know that I have only tapped into about 20% of what it can do. In my business I come into a lot of contact with developers and I tell them all, that if they need an easy way to connect, report or work their databases they MUST check out your products".
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PHP Generator for MySQL online Help
class Page
Class Page encapsulates the whole generated page. The following methods of this class might be useful for application developers:
Company news
Aug 23, 2022
New version introduces toggles, one- and two-dimensional barcodes, enhanced lookups sort order, changing page data sources, PHP 8.1 support, editor hints, and other useful things.
Feb 12, 2021
A new version comes with PHP 8.0 support, inline View forms, updated CheckBox Group editor, on-the-fly adding of new items to multi choice controls and other useful improvements.
Sep 10, 2020
A new minor version features the possibility to customize headers and footers of 'Registration', 'Resend verification' and 'Password recovery' pages, revised OnAddEnvironmentVariables event, default values is Cascading Combobox editors and more.
The article shows how to implement an AJAX-based one-click editor for a logical column.
This article begins a series of step-by-step tutorials on how we made the NBA demo. It explains how to add new items to the menu, implement run-time theme selection, and tweak the login form.
The article illustrates how to use various chart libraries with PHP Generator.
Feature of the day
PHP Generator allows you to create a custom pagination i.e. split the records on the generated page by a specified criteria.
PHP Generator allows you to protect the result script with a lot of security settings.