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SQL Maestro Group / Products / MySQL / News / PHP Generators are updated to 11.4

PHP Generators are updated to version 11.4

Apr 18, 2011

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of PHP Generator 11.4, a GUI frontend that allows you to generate high-quality PHP scripts for the selected tables, views and queries for the further working with these objects through the web. There are versions for MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, DB2, SQL Anywhere and MaxDB.

New features:

  • Support for multi-level auto-complete editors has been implemented. Such control is based on cascading drop-down lists and allows you to select a value from a long list step-by-step. For example, when we select a country in the Country drop-down list, it will populate the City drop-down list according to the country selected, and so on.

    Multi-level auto-completePicture 1. Multi-level auto-complete

  • Starting with this version it is possible to edit and insert data within modal dialogs. To activate this feature, tick the corresponding checkbox in the Project Options or Page Properties window.

    A modal dialogPicture 2. A modal dialog

  • Starting with this version it becomes possible to use a fixed header for data grid as well as display line numbers for grid records.

    Line numbers in a gridPicture 3. Line numbers in a grid

  • Client side validation has been significantly improved. Now our software comes with a number of pre-defined validators including Range, Length range, Email, Credit card, URL, Regular expression, and some others. It is also still possible to implement your own validation logic using the OnEditFormValidate/OnInsertFormValidate events.
  • New version comes with a time edit control (that is now used by default for columns that store time-of-day values) and with a masked edit control that provides restricted data input.
  • Support for grid footers has been added. The footers allow you to display summaries (Sum, Average, Count, etc) for all or selected grid columns.

    Grid footerPicture 4. Grid footer

  • New version also features a possibility of excluding certain files from the output. This can be useful if you modified some files (e.g. images) manually and don’t want them to be rewritten on the next generation.
  • Now it is possible to enable lookup editors based on a template that contains one or more table columns. No more additional queries, just specify the template of the editor data and get easy-to-use interface.

    Using templates in lookup editorsPicture 5. Using templates in lookup editors (setting template and lookup editor in action)

  • The Generate thumbnail option has been added to additional settings of the Upload image to folder editor. This feature allows you to save resized copies of uploaded images to a specified catalog.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made. For more information about a specific tool see the appropriate page:

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