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Dionys Henzen: "Congratulations! Your MySQL PHP Generator is a great tool, that can save a lot of time and money to a developer! I'll evaluate for sure your software products when I need them. Great job".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / MySQL / News / PHP Generators 18.3 released

PHP Generators 18.3 released

Mar 21, 2018

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PHP Generator

SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of PHP Generator 18.3, a GUI frontend that allows you to build high-quality and feature-rich data-driven web applications for your database in minutes. There are versions for MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, DB2, SQL Anywhere and MaxDB.

The following is a list of new feature implementations since the last major release. Most of new features can be seen in action in our Feature Demo, Security Demo, and NBA Demo applications.

New feature highlights:

  • Upload multiple files and images. Starting from this version you can upload multiple files or images at a time. All you need is to click the "Upload files" button and select desired files or drag them from Windows Explorer.
    Multi uploadPicture 1. Multi upload
    The OnFileUpload and OnBeforeInsertRecord events fire on uploading each file to help you to accept only suitable files and/or provide values for other columns in the dataset.
  • Linked images. This feature is an alternative way for displaying master/detail data when the detail data source stores filenames for external images (for example, the master table stores information about photo albums while the detail table stores information about album photos). These images are displayed in the popup window when you click a cell in a grid column linked images are associated with.
    Linked ImagesPicture 2. Linked Images
    You can also select number of images to be previewed in the View form. When you click a thumbnail, the corresponding full-size image is displayed.
    Linked Images in View formPicture 3. Linked Images in View form
  • Calculated columns. Such columns do not exist in the data source the page is based on and their values are automatically computed using other column values or another deterministic expression. For example, you might create a string column that displays concatenated values from other fields, create an integer column to calculate the person age based on the birthday, and so on.
    Calculated ColumnsPicture 4. Calculated Columns
    To compute values in read-only views, provide the OnCalculateFields server side event handler. For Edit and Insert forms provide the OnCalculateControlValues client side event handler.
  • Mass (AKA bulk) editing. A possibility of editing multiple records at a time has been implemented. Edit form mode (separate page or modal) can be selected at the Abilities tab of the Page Properties dialog.
    Multiple EditingPicture 5. Multiple Editing
  • Autocomplete Editor. This new editor allows you to either select a value from a list or enter a new value (like the Google search line).
    AutoComplete EditorPicture 6. AutoComplete Editor
    To avoid confusion, old editors using the "AutoComplete" word in their names have been renamed as follows:
  • Cascading Combobox editor has been implemented. It provides the same functionality as Dynamic Cascading Combobox except that values at all levels are filled once a data input form is loaded. This control is the best choice when number of items is not exceed 10-15 for all levels.
    Cascading ComboboxPicture 7. Cascading Combobox
    This newly implemented control allows you to add items on-the-fly for each level. By the way, the same functionality now is also available for Dynamic Cascading Combobox.
  • Data Export tools also have been slightly improved as follows:
    • A possibility of exporting selected records has been implemented.
    • Totals are now exported to PDF, Excel, and Word formats.
  • Smart thumbnails. The "Is thumbnail" option is added for External Image grid columns. When this option is checked, images in the corresponding column are considered as thumbnails for another column which name is specified as the value of the "Original image field name" property.
  • Event management enhancements. Make your application even more flexible and customized with the updated event model.
    • OnCustomDefaultValues event has been implemented. This event allows you to provide a custom default value for a column in the Insert form. Use this event if you need to provide a non-trivial default value for a column (for example, retrieve something from the database or calculate something with PHP code).
    • OnFileUpload event has been added. This event allows you to control file uploading: for example, you can change the name of uploaded file or cancel the uploading at all,
    • On[Before|After]UpdateRecord events: old values are now passed to event handlers (the $oldRowData array). This should help you to easy implement scenarios like "I want to send a notification email when a certain value in the record is changed".
  • Custom SQL statements for views. Starting from this version it is possible to provide custom INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements for pages based on views. This is useful when you for some reasons cannot make the view updatable at the database level. If these statements are omitted, they are generated automatically (as in the previous versions).

In addition to above, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made. For more information about a specific tool see the appropriate page:

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