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David Lantz: "Thank you, this is by far the simplest, and most friendly utility for building db record system I have ever used. I wish I could get my systems guys at the office to purchase this for our company would be so very helpful and speed up a lot of work. I for one have used it for everything from a simple inventory record of my house, to a members record for my church just little pet projects and a test bed to test my own db builds and theories before having to hand code at the office..... it is a lot of fun to work with".
Fred Hildenbrand: "I have purchased MySQL Maestro and like it very much, it has made it much easier to deal with DBA maintenance and table replication as well as a quick way to create SQL statements with the graphical query tool. Good job on a fine product".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / MySQL / News / PHP Generator Security Demo uploaded

PHP Generator Security Demo uploaded

Mar 6, 2017

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A new demo application illustrates security-related features such as application and page level permissions, PUBLIC and guest privileges, record-level security, administration panel, etc.

Hope the new demo app will help you to create even more powerful and secure websites for your users. To run the demo on your webserver, you need to download and install PHP Generator for MySQL or higher.

Enter the demo site or download the demo project.

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