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SQL Maestro Group / Products / MySQL / News / MySQL Maestro 1.7 released

MySQL Maestro 4.10 (former version 1.7) released

Oct 15, 2004

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MySQL Maestro 4.10 is released. The multilingual support is implemented: now our software can be translated to any language. The Italian (thanks to Giuseppe Maxia and StarData s.r.l.) and French (thanks to Renaud Lepage) translations are included into the installation package. To change the application language, select it from the Main menu | Tools | Languages menu. It is also easy to translate MySQL Maestro to another language: just find the English.txt file in the MySQL Maestro Languages directory, save it as YourLanguage.txt and translate all the strings from the file using any text editor e.g. Notepad or MS Word. If you send as a new translation, we'll provide you with a free business license of MySQL Maestro.

Other improvements and bug fixes:

1. The "Auto link tables by foreign keys" option is added to the Visual Query Builder settings. If this option is on, MySQL Maestro will automatically add links between tables when you add a new table to the Query Builder area. Of course this option works only if your MySQL server supports the foreign keys.

2. The "Copy to Clipboard" item is added to the Data Grid's popup menu. Use it to copy selected records to the Windows clipboard. Records in the clipboard are separated by the line break character. The Tab character is used to separate values within a record. To copy all the grid records at the same time, you can use the "Select All" item, which is added as well. Both these operations are also available through the main menu.

3. The "Show Filter Panel" and "Show Subobjects" buttons are added to the MySQL Maestro main tool bar.

4. The "Ctrl+O" and "Ctrl+D" shortcut keys are now associated with Object Manager and Database Profile Manager accordingly.

5. The "Data Export" page is added to the MySQL Maestro options dialog. Here you can specify the formats for data exporting. If you set ON the "Auto save format" option, MySQL Maestro saves the data formats each time you change them in the Export Data Wizard. The "Set Defaults" button resets all the export formats.

6. Since this version it is not necessary to close/open windows with data grids (e.g. Table Editor or SQL Editor) to apply the changes you made in the Options dialog.

7. Security Manager: now grants are set correctly for all MySQL servers (there were some problems with 3.23.xx versions).

8. Some other minor improvements and corrections

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