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Torstein Krogh: "Some time ago, I tested all available tools on the market for maintaining MySQL and MySQL Maestro came up on top. My opinion is that MySQL should offer it as a free tool for all paying customers! They have nothing today, and doing MySQL DOS commands is not getting any new customers".
Giuseppe Maxia: "We are constantly testing everything related to MySQL world and MySQL Maestro is, so far, the best tool we have tried".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / MySQL / SQL Maestro for MySQL / News / New article published

An article on implementing row level security in MySQL has been published

Jun 22, 2009

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MySQL Tools by SQL Maestro Group

"Can I have a single database, with only one set of tables to store all clients' information and let each client access only his/her data?" Such questions are not infrequent in MySQL forums. The article introduces a solution of the problem. This solution is based only on built-in MySQL features; moreover, it works independently of application used to connect to the database as all business logic is centralized in the database itself, not in the client apps, and also has no security threats.

See the full article here.

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