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Torstein Krogh: "Some time ago, I tested all available tools on the market for maintaining MySQL and MySQL Maestro came up on top. My opinion is that MySQL should offer it as a free tool for all paying customers! They have nothing today, and doing MySQL DOS commands is not getting any new customers".
David Boccabella: "I have really!!!! enjoyed using SQL Maestro for MySQL over the past few months. It has become one of our major development tools for implementing intelligent into MySQL databases".


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Query Management

SQL Maestro for MySQL provides an ability to manage queries in the same way as if they were database objects. This means that you can view queries in the explorer tree, use them in BLOB Viewer and Diagram Viewer, perform drag-and-drop operation upon them, copy them to clipboard like you copy an object, an so on. To be able to manage a query as an object, you should save the query to database profile using the corresponding item of SQL Editor or Visual Query Builder. After that the query will appear in the explorer tree.


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