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samandiriel: "Best MySQL manager GUI I've found. Completely worth the money - I would recommend this product to anyone needing an advanced MySQL manager and editor. ".
Fred Hildenbrand: "I have purchased MySQL Maestro and like it very much, it has made it much easier to deal with DBA maintenance and table replication as well as a quick way to create SQL statements with the graphical query tool. Good job on a fine product".


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SQL Maestro for MySQL online help

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Below you will find a detailed decryption of the following tools options.



Allow using of parameters in query text

Check this option to be able to use query parameters in SQL Editor and Visual Query Builder.


 Allow multiple instances of SQL Editor

Check this option to be able to use multiple instances of SQL Editor simultaneously.


 Allow multiple instances of Visual Query Builder

Check this option to be able to use multiple instances of Visual Query Builder simultaneously.


Allow multiple instances of SQL Script Editor

Check this option to be able to use multiple instances of SQL Script Editor simultaneously.


 Allow multiple instances of Object Manager

Check this option to be able to use multiple instances of Object Manager simultaneously.


Allow multiple instances of BLOB Viewer

Check this option to be able to use multiple instances of BLOB Viewer simultaneously.


 Allow multiple instances of Diagram Viewer

Check this option to be able to use multiple instances of Diagram Viewer simultaneously.

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