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Rati Dzidziguri: "I'm working on development of ERP and CRM software and during the process of creation of those products I have tried lots of solutions by the only solution I would call as an user friendly professional and with many other epithets is MySQL Maestro and all Maestro toolkits".
Torstein Krogh: "Some time ago, I tested all available tools on the market for maintaining MySQL and MySQL Maestro came up on top. My opinion is that MySQL should offer it as a free tool for all paying customers! They have nothing today, and doing MySQL DOS commands is not getting any new customers".


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Selecting fields

The first wizard step allows you to specify the table name as it will be included in the result script.


You can also select the fields to be included in the result INSERT statement. All the table fields are included into the Selected fields list by default. If you do not want some fields to be exported, move them back to the Available fields list. Text, GUID, Date, Time, and DateTime columns are included in the result INSERT statements according to the Storage Options of the Database Profile.


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