MS SQL Maestro 10.1 released
Jan 11, 2010
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Server management extensions:
- This version has been successfully tested with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (November CTP).
- Support for linked servers has been implemented (SQL Server 2005+). From now on MS SQL Maestro provides GUI tools for defining new linked servers and configuring existing ones as well as for creating, editing and deleting login mappings. It is also possible to browse and edit data from remote tables and views.
Picture 1. Linked server properties
Interface improvements:
- Database profile management improvements:
- Starting with this version it is possible to reorder servers in the Explorer Tree as well as reorder databases from the same server. You can also sort servers and databases in an alphabetical order.
- Now all the database profiles related to the same server may be deleted at once.
- The Rename Database Profile command has been added to the popup menu. Use this command to rename a profile without opening its editor.
- Data Grid features the following things:
- Multi-column sorting has been implemented. To sort data on multiple columns, use the Advanced sort command from the grid's header popup menu.
Picture 2. Data Grid: multiple column sorting
- Now you can fix grid columns to view them permanently when working with other grid data. To fix a column, choose the corresponding item from the grid's header popup menu.
Picture 3. Data Grid: fixed columns
- Starting with this version the number of grouped records is displayed for the group's header.
Picture 4. Data Grid: number of grouped records
- Multi-column sorting has been implemented. To sort data on multiple columns, use the Advanced sort command from the grid's header popup menu.
SQL Editor: the Go to Line command has been added to the popup menu (Ctrl+G shortcut). Also field data types are now displayed in the Code completion window.
Picture 5. SQL Editor: code completion
- BLOB Viewer: Unicode support has been added to the Non-BLOB data grid.
Picture 6. BLOB Viewer: Non-BLOB data
- BLOB Viewer/Editor: starting with this version it's possible to customize PHP syntax highlighting for the text representation of BLOBs.
- Get SQL Dump: now you can specify the encoding on the generating dump to a file.
- Database Designer: a possibility to select objects with Ctrl has been implemented.
In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Related links:
MS SQL Maestro home pageDownload MS SQL Maestro
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