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Albert Rognan: "Thank you for this quick reply. I must say I am impressed of the number of functions that is available within this tool".
Alex Torin: "Several months ago I downloaded the trial versions of several Microsoft SQL administration tools that I was able to find using google. I had considerable trouble with most of them crashing... but using your product I was able to isolate and solve the problems I was having. I decided to add it to my toolkit and have recommended it to a few others".


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Use this tab to manage application confirmations.



 Confirm exit from Create Object Wizard

If this option is checked, the program requires confirmation each time you want to exit the Create Object Wizard.


 Confirm exit from modified editor

If this option is checked, the program asks you to confirm exit from the editor, if you have made any changes.


 Confirm dropping object

If this option is checked, the program requires confirmation for dropping database object.


 Confirm exit from application

If this option is checked, the program requires confirmation when you want to exit <%PRODUCT_NAME%.


 Transaction confirmation

Select whether you will be prompted to commit or rollback active transaction or MS SQL Maestro will commit or rollback transactions without asking.


 Confirm metadata changing

If this option is checked, the program requires confirmation for changing metadata.

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