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Alex Torin: "Several months ago I downloaded the trial versions of several Microsoft SQL administration tools that I was able to find using google. I had considerable trouble with most of them crashing... but using your product I was able to isolate and solve the problems I was having. I decided to add it to my toolkit and have recommended it to a few others".
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Generation of updatable views

To generate updatable view,


select the Object | Generate updatable views... main menu item (to create views for several tables) or use the corresponding popup menu item of the table's node at the Explorer tree (to create a view for one table).
Specify tables the views will be created for (in case of several tables).
Specify the abilities to be available on working with the view data. By default the views are generated for inserting, updating, and deleting of table data.
Adjust the name templates of views and corresponding triggers.
Select the action to perform after the generation. The created definitions can be copied to Clipboard, saved to a file, sent to SQL Script Editor or executed immediately.


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