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Alex Torin: "Several months ago I downloaded the trial versions of several Microsoft SQL administration tools that I was able to find using google. I had considerable trouble with most of them crashing... but using your product I was able to isolate and solve the problems I was having. I decided to add it to my toolkit and have recommended it to a few others".
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MS SQL Maestro allows you to manipulate databases by means of database profiles. Profile contains database connection settings and a set of options to automatize common manipulations with databases (a possibility to connect to the database at MS SQL Maestro startup, login prompt before connection, etc.). To start working with databases in MS SQL Maestro, you should create database profile(s) first.


Use the following links for details:




Use for this purpose Create Database Wizard. In order to run the wizard you should either


select the Database | Create New Database... main menu item


use the Create New Database... item of the popup menu.


Using Create Database Wizard set the Create profile after creating the database option to create a new profile and open the Database Profile Properties dialog after the database is created.




To edit a database:


select the database to edit in the explorer tree;
edit database properties within the appropriate tabs of Database Editor.




In order to drop a database you should first select the database to drop in the explorer tree and establish connection (if you are not connected to the database yet), then either


select the Database | Drop Database main menu item


use the Drop Database item of the popup menu


and confirm dropping in the dialog window to complete the operation.




In MS SQL Maestro database profiles are created within Create Database Profiles Wizard. In order to run the wizard you should either


select the Database | Create Database Profiles... main menu item


use the Create Database Profiles... item of the popup menu.


Using Create Database Profiles Wizard set the necessary connection and authorization options and click the Ready button to complete the operation.




Database connection properties and profile options are edited within the Database Profile Properties dialog window. In order to open the dialog for the selected database profile you should either


select the Database | Edit Database Profile... main menu item


use the Edit Database Profile... item of the popup menu.




In order to remove a database profile you should first select the database profile in the explorer tree, then either select the Database | Remove Database Profile main menu item, or use the Remove Database Profile item of the popup menu and confirm removing profile in the dialog window to complete the operation.




In order to connect to a database you should first select the database in the explorer tree, then either


select the Database | Connect to Database main menu item


use the Connect to Database item of the popup menu.




In order to disconnect from a database you should first select the database in the explorer tree, then either


select the Database | Disconnect from Database main menu item


use the Disconnect from Database item of the popup menu.


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