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Symmetric Key Properties

Specify symmetric key options according to your needs. The detailed description is given below.
The Encryptions tab allows you specify the symmetric key encryptions: create new and drop existing one. Select the mechanism you wish to be used for the current encryption. Possible values are Certificate, Password, Symmetric Key, Asymmetric Key.
Define a name for the symmetric key.
Specify the owner of the symmetric key. By default, only the owner of an object can perform various operations with the object. In order to allow other users to operate it, privileges must be granted. (However, users that have the superuser attribute can always access any object.)
Create Date
Displays the date when symmetric key was created.
Modify Date
Displays the date when symmetric key was last modified.
Defines the encryption algorithm. Possible values are DES, TRIPLE DES, RC2, RC4, DESX, AES 128, AES 192, AES 256.
Indicates the length of the asymmetric key in bits.
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