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Setting profile options

To create a new profile, select databases to be registered by moving them from the Available databases list to the Selected databases list. This step is available if the Create a single profile option is unchecked on the previous wizard step.


You can select several databases to set options for all the selected databases at once (except the alias which should be unique for each individual database).



Login prompt before connection

Use the option to enable MS SQL Maestro to prompt for user name and password every time you connect to the database.


Always quote identifiers

The checkbox enables quoting all the identifiers by the back quote symbol.

Uncheck to make SQL scripts obtained using the Extract Database Wizard compatible with older versions of  Microsoft SQL. Note that this option works only with those servers which support quoting aliases.


Show system objects

Check the box to make system objects visible.


Keep connection alive

Check the box for pinging server before each query execution.


Connect at startup

With this option on connection to the profile database is automatically established at the application startup.


New objects' names (Don't change case, Convert to upper case, Convert to lower case)

The option allows you to specify the newly created objects case.


Refresh whole database on connect

Use the option along with the Show empty schemas explorer options to hide/show empty schemas in the explorer tree.


Profile text color

Select the color to be used to represent the database profile name at the Explorer tree. For example this option may be useful to mark development and production databases in different colors in order to prevent casual metadata or data changes in the production.


Click the Ready button when done to start working with the selected databases in MS SQL Maestro.

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