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Alex Freeze: "Good job! As always, MS SQL Data Wizard is at the front of my list with regards to when we advise a simple and powerful Microsoft SQL data manager".
Richard Fallerman: "The assistance we got from SQL Maestro Group played a major part in helping us to meet our objectives. The quality of software for managing Microsoft SQL data was outstanding".


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MS SQL Data Wizard product tour

Features of MS SQL Data Wizard:

Data Export and Import

Data Export Wizard is a powerful tool for exporting data from MS SQL Server tables and queries to files of the most popular formats including MS Excel, MS Access, MS Word, HTML, XML, and PDF.

The wizard allows you to fully customize output files including header and footer, fonts, colors, data formats, encoding, etc.

Data Import Wizard is a powerful tool for importing data to MS SQL Server tables from files of the following formats: MS Excel, MS Access, XML, DBF, TXT, CSV and any database available via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider.

The wizard uses bulk loading commands to speed up the import process. It also includes Graphical Builder to map source file columns to target table fields in a few mouse clicks.

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