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Features of MaxDB Maestro:
Getting Started

MaxDB Maestro is a powerful Windows GUI solution for MaxDB server administration and database development.
MaxDB Maestro is designed to meet the requirements of MaxDB users and to make the work with the server simpler and more comfortable. Moreover, the tool provides you with a lot of exceptional client-side features making your work with MaxDB easy and efficient:
- MaxDB database server 7.5+ support including schemas, views, triggers, procedures, functions, sequences, and so on;
- user-friendly interface with navigation style, well-described wizard system, quick launch panel for performing the commonest operations. Tabbed interface is also implemented in addition to classic MDI;
- easy MaxDB objects (e.g. tables, views, functions, synonyms, etc.) management;
- Visual Database Designer with reverse engineering and a lot of other features;
- comfortable access to the MaxDB security features;
- powerful tools for working with SQL queries including Visual Query Builder;
- flexible customization of the application.
With all its features MaxDB Maestro will be an everyday assistant in your work with MaxDB server. |

The list of useful features provided for MaxDB Maestro users can be continued. The following advanced features are provided for your use:
- easy database management: the conception of database profiles gives you the opportunity to connect to databases in one touch and work with the selected databases only;
- powerful BLOB viewer/editor: opportunity to view and edit the content of the BLOB fields in various representations;
- data export module: exports data from MaxDB tables and queries to files of the 14 most popular formats including MS Excel, MS Access, MS Word, HTML, XML, PDF;
- data import module: imports data to MaxDB tables from files of the following formats: MS Excel, MS Access, XML, DBF, TXT and CSV.
The list above is not complete. MaxDB Maestro allows you, for example, to create a new table in a few mouse clicks, to get SQL dump of your metadata and data (even without knowing the syntax), to get a high-quality printable report for your database, to execute any SQL script, to copy a table from one database to another by drag-n-drop operations or by pressing Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V hot key combinations and a lot of other features. |
