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Data Formats

In numeric formats using digit placeholder (# or 0) you can specify the format of number. For example, integer 1234567890 with # ### ##0 integer format is represented like 1 234 567 890. The locations of the leftmost '0' before the decimal point in the format string and the rightmost '0' after the decimal point in the format string determine the range of digits that are always present in the output string.
Conversion and their description for date, time and date time format:
dd |
day of the month, represented by 1 or 2 symbols. For example, the first day of month is 1
DD |
day of the month, represented only by 2 symbols. For example, the first day of month is 01
mm |
MM |
yy |
year, represented by 2 symbols. For example, 2006 year will be 06
yyyy |
year, represented by 4 symbols. For example, 2006
h |
hour, represented by 1 or 2 symbols. For example, 2
hh |
hour, represented only by 2 symbols. For example, 02 |
".", ",", ":" symbols can be placed as separators in format masks for integer, float, date, time, date time, currency types.
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