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MaxDB Maestro online Help
Edit role
Editing Roles
Roles are edited within Role Editor. In order to open the editor you should
• | select the role for editing in the explorer tree (type the first letters of the role name for quick search); |
• | select the Edit Role item from the popup menu.
 Company news 
Sep 1, 2014
A new data reporting tool, lots of new features in SQL editors and viewers, nullable column checker, updated Data Import and SQL Dump tools, data export to JSON, and many other useful things.
Feb 26, 2010
New version features completely redesigned Data Import and Data Export wizards, subqueries and/or UNIONs in Visual Query Builder and a lot of other interface improvements.
Jul 9, 2008
Master-detail data views, lookup editors, large fonts support and more. Now with French localization.
 Feature of the day
MaxDB Maestro provides an ability to export your data to any of 14 available data formats.
All editors of MaxDB Maestro provide a customizable ability to divide text into logical parts (regions). Each part can be collapsed and extended.