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Managing role grants

The Grants grid allows you to manage access privileges (grants) of the role.


Grant gives specific privileges on an object (table, view, sequence, database, function, procedural language, schema or tablespace) to one or more roles.


All the objects are grouped by kind. Filter the object kinds using the checkboxes at the bottom of the window. Using the grid you may sorting and filtering data.



To grant the role privilege on the object double-click an empty field; to revoke the privilege double-click a grant with grant option.


Use grid’s popup menu to grant, grant all, grant with grant option, grant all with grant option, grant on all, grant on all with grant option, revoke, revoke all and revoke on all:


select the Grant item to grant the role privilege on the object;
select the Grant All item to grant all the privileges on the object;
if the Grant With Grant Option item is selected, the recipient of the privilege may in turn grant it to others (without a grant option specified, the recipient cannot do that);
select the Grant All With Grant Option item to grant with grant options the privilege on all the objects of the kind;
select Grant On All or Grant On All With Grant Option to grant or grant with grant options respectively the role privilege on all the server objects;
to revoke the privilege, all the privileges on the object or the privileges on all the server objects select the Revoke, Revoke All or Revoke On All items respectively.


Using the popup menu you can also collapse or expand all the object kinds.

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