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Kelly Dires: "First let me say we are very impressed with Firebird Data Wizard, it was not only the fastest but also the easiest to use out of the six tools of this class tested".
Neil McPherson: "Thanks very much for your advice. I would just like to add that SQL Maestro makes life so much easier to work with Firebird, I have tried some of the other management tools but Maestro is such a nicely organized product and it has never let me down".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / Firebird / News / Firebird Maestro 7.12 released

Firebird Maestro 7.12 released

Dec 14, 2007

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of Firebird Maestro 7.12, a powerful Windows GUI solution for Firebird administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

Server management extensions:
  • Procedure editor: variables are included in the procedure body (and no longer displayed in a separate list).

  • It is now impossible to specify login/password for an embedded server. The SYSDBA/masterkey credentials are always used.

  • Some small but important patches have been applied to Extract Database Wizard.

Interface improvements:
  • The SQL Generator tool has been implemented. Use this feature to produce various SQL scripts (CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT, etc) for the selected object. The result script can be saved to a file, copied to clipboard, and opened in SQL Editor or SQL Script Editor.

  • Data Grid has been significantly updated:

    • The notification pane is now displayed after simple mode activation (filtering, grouping and sorting features are not supported in this mode). All the related settings can be customized in the Options dialog.

    • The Generate Query command has been added to the Table / View Editor. Use this command to copy current filter conditions to the SQL Editor window as an SQL query. It is also possible to copy filter condition to clipboard as WHERE clause using grid’s popup menu.

    • Now it is possible to encrypt the contents of the selected cell by the md5 algorithm (the corresponding item has been added to grid's popup menu).

  • Database designer: the Note and Text tools have been added. You can use them to decorate the diagrams.

  • Object editors, SQL Editor, Database Designer, BLOB Viewer and other database-dependent windows: only connected databases are now displayed in the drop-down list.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

Related links:

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