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Data Analysis

Data Analysis is a tool to define a multidimensional model with analytic calculations to analyze information also called OLAP cube. Such cubes could effectively be re-oriented. So the tool allows you to view data in various ways, such as displaying all the cities down the page and all the products across a page and then immediately view it in another way. Because this re-orientation involves re-summarizing very large amounts of data, this new view of the data has to be generated efficiently to avoid wasting the analyst's time, i.e. within seconds, rather than the hours a relational database and conventional report-writer might have taken. It allows you to focus on business rules rather than creating dozens and dozens of reports. To run Data Analysis, choose Tools | Data Analysis main menu item.


To get an OLAP cube:

Input SELECT query in the Query window or load it from the .cub file.
Manage report data in the Data window.


The Data Analysis tool allows you to save the created OLAP cube to .cub file, print it, or export it to Excel, HTML, XML, and text file.


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