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Create User Wizard

Create User Wizard guides you through the process of creating a new user. See How To Create User to learn how to run this wizard.


The basic principles of Create Object Wizards in Firebird Maestro are explained in a separate topic. Below you will find a description of wizard steps that are unique for the current object.


The field Name contains the new user name as it was set on the previous wizard step. Use it to edit the name of user being made.


Use this step also to specify the new user Password and confirm it.


First name

This parameter allows you to set the user's first name. This is helpful when identifying users from their login name which may be abbreviated.


Middle name

This parameter allows you to set the user's middle name. This is helpful when identifying users from their login name which may be abbreviated.


Last name

This parameter allows you to set the user's last name. This is helpful when identifying users from their login name which may be abbreviated.



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