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Stephen Arrowel, Database Administrator: "We are in the process of implementing Firebird solutions at multiple levels in our international organization. We expect that SQL Maestro Group will do nothing short of revolutionize the way we develop and maintain our Firebird databases. The continuous improvement and development means that the product is extremely flexible and will grow with us. The service and responsiveness of the Support Team has been exceptional. They have devoted countless hours to understanding our needs, so that we could get a Firebird administration tool which would be so simple and effective in use. SQL Maestro Group is helping Sytrax sail into the 21st Century".
Neil McPherson: "Thanks very much for your advice. I would just like to add that SQL Maestro makes life so much easier to work with Firebird, I have tried some of the other management tools but Maestro is such a nicely organized product and it has never let me down".


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Create View Wizard

Create View Wizard guides you through the process of creating a new view. See How To Create View to learn how to run this wizard.


The basic principles of Create Object Wizards in Firebird Maestro are explained in a separate topic. Below you will find a description of wizard steps that are unique for the current object.


Selecting fields for a new view

Select a table or a view from the Based on drop-down menu. Then specify which fields will be used in the new view. Use Add All or Add Selected buttons to include field(s) into view definition. Use the Remove Selected or Remove All items to exclude field(s) from the view's field list. Click the Next button to proceed.



Specifying view options


You may specify here the name of the view being created.



Defines the owner of the new view. By default, only the owner of an object can perform various operations with the object. In order to allow other users to operate it, privileges must be granted. (However, users that have the superuser attribute can always access any object.)



The box allows you to set optional text describing the view.


Specifying the WHERE condition

Firebird Maestro provides the Filter Builder dialog to facilitate a creating of the WHERE condition.



Suppose we need to select orders from the sample table Orders made between 01.02.2010 and 10.02.2010. These criteria are applied to the OrderDate column. Press the button to add this condition. Alternatively, you can use the Filter button and select the Add Condition option from the drop-down menu.





Select the OrderDate column in the drop-down list of the available columns.                                                                                                                                                      





Set the proper operator. In our example it is BETWEEN.                                                                                                                                                                                  





Next, you need to specify the range values for the selected operator. The editor used in value boxes is determined by the editor type assigned to the corresponding column.



Now use the Apply button to see the filter result.


You can add additional conditions to the same root level to be combined by the AND operator.



Suppose we need to select orders made between 01.02.2010 and 10.02.2010 and payed via 'Visa' or 'American Express'. This is a complex filter condition combining two simple conditions with the OR operator. Conditions from the same root level are combined by the AND operator. To add a condition combined with the previous one with the OR (NOT AND, NOT OR) operator, use a new group of conditions.



The next screen represents the finished filter conditions for this example.



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