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Neil McPherson: "Thanks very much for your advice. I would just like to add that SQL Maestro makes life so much easier to work with Firebird, I have tried some of the other management tools but Maestro is such a nicely organized product and it has never let me down".
Brian Vivian: "Thank you very much for making such a great product. It makes my job a LOT easier".


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Database Editor

Database Editor allows you to browse, add, edit and delete all objects of the selected database and its main properties.


To open the editor, use popup menu of the database node at the Explorer tree.




Every tab is intended for managing corresponding database objects (e.g. tables, views, queries, etc.). Open the object in its editor by double-clicking or pressing the Enter key. The popup menu allows you to create new, edit or drop the selected database objects. Using this menu you can also create a copy of the object.


You can operate on several objects at a time. For this you have to select database objects with the Shift or the Ctrl key pressed. After the group of objects is selected, you can operate on it, e.g. delete several objects at once, as it was a single object.

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